1.3 Basic Setup

The minimal requirement for the extension to run is the formulation of a data request. Here's a basic example, which requests all the items in your personal library :

// The zoteroRoam_settings object will contain all your settings for the extension
// For now, we're doing a minimal configuration, with just a single data request.
// Paste this into your roam/js block, and fill out the API key + your user ID :

zoteroRoam_settings = {
    dataRequests: {
        apikey: "your_API_key",
        dataURI: "users/your_user_id/items",
        params: "limit=100"

After you've done this, reload your graph. A new icon should be visible in the topbar - a book :

The icon acts as a toggle for turning the extension on/off, and its background color always indicates the current state of the extension :

Once the icon turns green, the extension's functionalities will become available.

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