3.4 Creating custom shortcuts

Available Actions


Default shortcut

What it does



Opens/closes the Search Panel



Enables/disables Quick Copy mode

When the Search Panel is visible :



Closes the Search Panel



Put the cursor in the search bar

When viewing the item's metadata :



Import the item's metadata to the Roam grap



Copy the item's citekey



Copy the item's citation (Roam alias)



Copy the item's citekey as page reference



Copy the item's citekey as tag

How to setup custom shortcuts

Shortcut objects must list the sequence of keys involved, and refer to them by their name in lowercase (if you know JavaScript, that would be the event.key value). The only exception is the four special keys (Alt, Ctrl, Meta, Shift) which must be named altKey, ctrlKey, metaKey, and shiftKey respectively.

For example, the shortcut sequence alt-p would be described by the following object :

{'altKey': true, 'p': true}

Shortcut objects are assigned to a specific action, inside the shortcuts property in zoteroRoam_settings :

// Note: you should add settings *within* the zoteroRoam_settings object
// that contains your dataRequests -- do not declare it again

// Here we're assigning our alt-p shortcut to the toggleSearchPanel action :

zoteroRoam_settings = {
    // Your dataRequests object should be here :
    dataRequests: {
        apikey: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX',
        dataURI: 'users/1234567/items',
        params: 'limit=100'
    shortcuts: {
        'toggleSearchPanel': {'altKey': true, 'p': true}
// Note that multiple shortcuts can be assigned to a given action.
// This is done by providing an Array of shortcut objects.
// For example, we can assign both alt-p and alt-q to toggle the Search Panel :

zoteroRoam_settings = {
    // Your dataRequests object should be here :
    dataRequests: {
        apikey: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX',
        dataURI: 'users/1234567/items',
        params: 'limit=100'
    shortcuts: {
        'toggleSearchPanel': [{'altKey': true, 'p': true},
                                {'altKey': true, 'q': true}]

The tricky part in creating shortcuts is that there is no universal list of key names - they're dependent on your keyboard hardware, your OS (Windows/Mac/Linux...), and also your browser. This can lead to some unexpected behaviors - especially on Mac, and with international keyboards.

To help make testing easier, I created a small tool that lets you press a combination of keys & returns the corresponding shortcut object. It's not perfect, but hopefully it helps you set up shortcuts that work with your computer and software. You can use it here :

Last updated