If you have an older version of the extension installed in your graph, here are the steps to update :
From v0.5.X
Change the URL for the source code - which is located in the code line starting with s.src = "....
s.src ="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@alixlahuec/zotero-roam@0.5";// should become :s.src ="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@alixlahuec/zotero-roam@0.6";// The last part, after zotero-roam@, indicates the version of the extension// To get on the latest major version, choose 0.6// You'll need to reload the graph for the script to update
From an older version
(1) Replace the URL for the source code - which is located in the code line starting with s.src = "...
var s =document.createElement("script");s.src ="https://greenmeen.github.io/roam-snippets/roam-import-paper-data/roam-import-paper-data.js";s.id ="roam-import-paper-data";s.type ="text/javascript";document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(s);// should become :var s =document.createElement("script");s.src ="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@alixlahuec/zotero-roam@0.5";s.id ="zotero-roam";s.type ="text/javascript";document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(s);
(2) Move the contents of yourUSER_REQUEST object into zoteroRoam_settings.dataRequests. If applicable, also move your funcmap and typemap objects into zoteroRoam_settings.funcmap and zoteroRoam_settings.typemap, respectively.