If you choose to use a SmartBlock to import your items' metadata, it will be triggered with the following variables:
item : the raw metadata for the Zotero item
pdfs : the raw metadata for the Zotero item's linked PDFs
notes : the raw metadata for the Zotero item's linked notes/annotations
These provide rich information, but are also difficult to work with directly in a SmartBlock. For that reason, you will most likely want to rely on the special helper commands that are provided by the extension.
Helper commands
The following commands should only be used inside of SmartBlocks that are triggered by zoteroRoam, as they need the variables described above to function correctly.
Returns the contents of the item's abstract
// The command takes no options
// "Lorem ipsum sed elit"
Returns a formatted reference for the item
// style: "chicago-note-bibliography"(default)|URL to a CSL file|name of a file from the Zotero Style Repository
// --- The CSL style to generate the reference in
// locale: "en-US"|any valid locale
// --- The bibliography locale (will only apply to certain styles)
// linkwrap: 0(default)|1
// --- Should URLs be formatted as links? (0 = no, 1 = yes)
// Note: These options are dictated by Zotero's API structure. Read here for more details: https://www.zotero.org/support/dev/web_api/v3/basics#parameters_for_format_bib_includecontent_bib_includecontent_citation
// Bloch, Gary, and Linda Rozmovits. โImplementing Social Interventions in Primary Care.โ __CMAJ__ 193, no. 44 (November 8, 2021): E1696โ1701. https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.210229.
// Bloch, Gary, and Linda Rozmovits. โImplementing Social Interventions in Primary Care.โ __CMAJ__ 193, no. 44 (November 8, 2021): E1696โ1701. https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.210229.
// Bloch, Gary, et Linda Rozmovits. ยซย Implementing Social Interventions in Primary Careย ยป. __CMAJ__ 193, n<sup>o</sup> 44 (8 novembre 2021): E1696โ1701. https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.210229.
// Bloch, G., & Rozmovits, L. (2021). Implementing social interventions in primary care. __CMAJ__, __193__(44), E1696โE1701. https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.210229
Returns the comma-separated list of the item's collections
// brackets: true(default)|false
// --- Should the collection's name be surrounded by brackets?
// [[Some collection]], [[Another collection]]
// [[Some collection]], [[Another collection]]
// Some collection, Another collection
Returns the comma-separated list of the item's creators
// brackets: true(default)|false|existing
// --- Should the creator's name be surrounded by brackets?
// --- If "existing" is used, brackets will only be added if a Roam page
// --- exists for the creator
// use_type: true(default)|false
// --- Should the creator's role be shown, if they're not an author?
// [[Some author]], [[Another author]], [[An editor]] (editor)
// Some author, Another author, An editor (editor)
// [[Some author]], Another author, An editor (editor)
// [[Some author]], [[Another author]], [[An editor]]
Returns the DNP-formatted date on which the item was added to Zotero
// brackets: true(default)|false
// --- Should the date be surrounded by brackets?
// [[January 13th, 2022]]
// January 13th, 2022
Returns a link to the item within Zotero
// type: local(default)|web
// --- The type of link that should be created (local link will open in the desktop app, web link will open in the browser)
// zotero://select/library/items/PPD648N6
// zotero://select/library/items/PPD648N6
// https://www.zotero.org/users/123456/items/PPD648N6
Returns the output of the extension's default metadata formatter for the item.
This can be helpful if you'd like to base your template off of what the extension generates as the default, and only need to add elements around it (e.g, if you want to nest it under a parent block).
// The command takes no options
// (output too long to show)
Returns the publication details of the item
// The command takes no options
// Journal of Scientific Studies
Returns the comma-separated list of the item's relations
// brackets: true(default)|false
// --- Should the related items be surrounded with brackets?
// ---- If brackets is 'true', the related items' keys will also be prefixed by '@'
// [[@someCitekey]], [[@anotherCitekey]]
// [[@someCitekey]], [[@anotherCitekey]]
// someCitekey, anotherCitekey
Returns the space-separated list of the item's tags
// brackets: true(default)|false
// --- Should the tags be surrounded with brackets?
// #[[some tag]] #[[another tag]]
// #[[some tag]] #[[another tag]]
// some tag another tag
Returns the item's title
// The command takes no options
// Systems: a qualitative study
Returns the (formatted) type of the item, from current user settings.
// brackets: true(default)|false
// --- Should the value be surrounded with brackets?
// The value returned is based on current Typemap settings.
// e.g, if the item is of type "journalArticle",
// and "journalArticle" is mapped to "Paper" in the Typemap,
// the command will return "Paper"
// [[Paper]]
// [[Paper]]
// Paper
Returns the URL (or if unavailable, the DOI URL) of the item
// The command takes no options
// https://www.cmaj.ca/content/193/44/E1696
Returns the publication year of the item
// The command takes no options
// 2021
Returns the formatted version of the item's notes/annotations, from current user settings.
// The command takes no options
// All configuration will be taken from the current user settings
// (output too long to be shown)
Returns the comma-separated list of links to the item's PDF attachments.
// The command takes no options
// [Some attachment.pdf](http://example.com/file.pdf), [Another attachment.pdf](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/FBLWXX3A)
My personal template