The search panel

The Search Panel can be opened by doing a right-click on the extension's book icon, and selecting "Search in library" : You can also set a keyboard shortcut for it in your settings (by default, it's alt-E).

A dialog box will pop up :

Searching items

(1) Start typing text in the search bar to look for items. Search is multi-field and will query the item's abstract, title, tags, year, authors' last names and citekey.

(2) Navigate through the results list using up/down arrows.

(3) Select an item with left-click or Enter.

  • In Quick Copy mode, the item's reference will be copied to the clipboard and the search panel will close.

  • In default mode, selecting an item will render its metadata, along with options to copy its citekey, navigate to the item's Roam page, import its metadata, and access PDF attachments & notes.

    • If you'd like to always copy the item's reference, you can specify this in your settings.

Last updated